Title of Work: Zechariah's Tomb Medium: Archival Pigment Print

Title of Work: Zechariah's Tomb
Medium: Archival Pigment Print


The Tomb of Benei Hezir, which is also called 
Zechariah's Tomb, bears an epithet that states: 
        "This is the tomb and the stele/memorial
        (nefesh) of Eleazar."

Nefesh. Funerary monument. Marker on tomb.
Pyramid-capped obelisk. Standing stone. Stele.
        "because I built you a tomb (nefesh) and
        a memorial, be at peace in Jerusalem."

Nefesh. Soul. Ruach. Neshamah. Breath. Soul.
Respiration. Inner animating element of life.  
        "....and Hashem formed the man of dust
        from the earth and he breathed into his
        nostrils the breath of life (nishmat hayim);
        man became a living being (nefesh haya)."

The question remains: What is the connection 
between the architectural edifice called nefesh 
and the concept of soul?